We all tend to get in a mental rut once in a while. This is usually triggered by different circumstances and events. It may possibly be anything from a failed business to a failed relationship. Getting in a negative mindset is allowable and can take place to anyone. What is not good is if you remain in that rut or have been income in that state of mind for a long time.
Anegative mental attitude can literally end your life except you do something quick about it. If you consistently think of yourself as a failure, a no-good, and a complete underachiever, then you need help. While this article will only give you a hint of the things you need to do, it is essential that you seek help from positive mental attitude experts like Eckhart Tolle, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Ralph Waldo Emerson and contemporary experts like Bob Proctor and Anthony Robbins.
1. Start Idea of the Good Things in Your Life
This simple exercise has helped millions of people go from a negative pattern of idea to a positive mental situation. While this might look like a simple thing to do and feel seemingly unproductive, you will find that it will be quite difficult particularly when you have been negative minded for a long time.
The idea is to get you to break free from the confinement of unhelpfulness and start seeing what you ought to be thankful for. This simple exercise can be the turning point in your life if you would only try it. Start with the fact that you are alive and breathing. If you think that"s an easy thing to do, visit any ICU in any hospital and you will find that you have a lot more to be thankful for.
2. Use the Words “Can” and “Will” More Often
Two words often keep you negative and paralysed. These are the “Cant” and “Wont” words. These words have been far more responsible for more failure in the world than any other thing. Now, you will start idea more along the line of “can” and “will”. I admit quite alright that this will be difficult; however there is something you can do to teach your body to abhor those two words.
Get at least 6 rubber bands and wear on each of your wrists. Anytime you catch yourself going for the two negative words, pull them and snap them on both wrists. This will be painful but your mind will soon start associating those two words with pain and try as much as possible to avoid them.
3. Think More About Benefits and Gains
One other important thing you must do is to consistently weigh each action and choice in the set alight of gains and benefits. If the benefits and gains are huge, or significant enough, go for it. You will soon find the strength within yourself to be the best that you can be.
Business From The Kitchen Table is a just launched e-letter to share the experiences of a young entrepreneur and help remove the hurdles for new home businesses.
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