Have you ever had someone present you with a great idea or opportunity that was just perfect for you? An idea filled with such the makings that you may possibly presume the life-unreliable impact this idea may possibly make in your life and in the lives of those around you?
And when the time came for you to make a pronouncement about that opportunity that would"ve change yourlife as you know it today, were you so afraid of failing that you did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, allowing that great opportunity to slip away... forever?
I"m certain that we ALL have veteran that at one point in our lives. And if you haven"t veteran that feeling yet, just keep on income and at some point... you will!
The mental and emotional rush we experience from a great opportunity is always exciting when first presented to us, but after the euphoria wears off and our negative thoughts start working on us, the fear of taking the kind of risk that would break down us out of our comfort zone kicks in at full speed.
We subconsciously start looking for reasons to explain why the great opportunity isn"t so great after all and start looking for cracks and holes in the great idea. And everyone knows if you look for flaws in anything long enough (no matter how good it is), you"ll eventually find it!
So, when the time comes to make a pronouncement, you decide to pass it up. You feel sweet good that you didn"t get screwed over by getting involved in such a bad idea...until you hear about someone else that did take the opportunity and how it paid off for them. Then you ask yourself why good things like that never take place to you!
I do know that scenario personally. In fact, it"s part of the The Wise Grappler Story. The idea to become a coach (which eventually morphed into The Wise Grappler) was conceived and presented to me a few years ago by my coach, Lloyd Irvin.
When I first heard it, I planning it was a great idea. But just like all the steps I laid out in the before paragraphs, I went through all of them until I came to the conclusion that it was a bad idea. I didn"t see it as a good opportunity for me, didn"t think anyone would listen to me, and I did nothing with the idea for at least a year.
Then one day, Lloyd sent me an email and asked me a simple question:
"Are you too scared to even try?"
It was as if his arms had reached out of my computer monitor and grabbed me by the throat. He was right; I was so afraid of failing that I wouldn"t even try to succeed! And the more that I planning about it, the more disappointed I was with me.
And once I got shamed into the fact that I was acting like a punk, I realized that it was a good idea and that I may possibly do it. Once again, the confident feelings were crushed by the same fear as before, but even stronger than the first time.
But I believed in myself and my ability to succeed.
And when the time came for me to make that pronouncement a second time, I was still afraid...but I did it and took all that fear with me!
And the rest is history.
What about you? What great opportunities are crying out for your attention that you"ve been too scared to even try? The fear of failing may never go away, so you might as well take it with you on your success journey.
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