Do you have a problem or scheme that has you stumped? Are you just not satisfied with the solutions you have? Follow these steps to generate some splendid ideas.
1.Gather Information: you force not have enough information about your scheme/problem to come up with a splendid creative solution. Implementation: Go to a source of information you dont typically use. When is thelast time you went to a library? Is there a government agency that has related information? How about a community community society, is there an lecturer that teaches something connected to your theme? Clerks at bookstores are often very helpful. There may be trade magazines addressing your area of appeal.
2. Be Committed: yes, you read accurately. Your brain uses a lot of oxygen and does not work well when undernourished. Implementation: Go do something committed and FUN! This will get the blood flowing and when you have fun, your creative juices start flowing. Do something that you havent done in long time: dance, roller skate, hike, ride horseback, backyard, or ride a bike.
3. Change your viewpoint: As Einstein is quoted as saying: "We can"t solve tribulations by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Your perception determines the path to a problems solution. Implementation: Look at your problem from a additional point of view. What would your problem look like if you were a different person? Presumefrom the viewpoint of a child, a co-hand, your dog, a gambler, a professional athlete, etc. This may signal asinine, the point is to shake up your habitual routine and help your brain start new pathways of planning.
4. Compare and Contrast: Compare your problem/issue/scheme to something very different; an object or a planning. Owing to juxtaposition, you may find combinations you never saw before. Implementation: Grab a blank sheet of document. Enter your problem at the top. Next to it enter an unrelated idea such as shoe, the inhabitant highway logic, a precious bar, cat litter.you get the idea! Underneath enter each way you can reflect that these two equipment are alike. Remember to have fun. This is simply a additional method of varying your viewpoint as well as generating more ideas.
5. Be Visual: Thinking is very fluid and visual, building use of symbols and cinema instead of terms. Give your problem a affecteven a smell! What affect is it? What does it feel like to the upset? Implementation: This is best done with a large sheet of document or a colorless penetrate. Use a regular cut of document if thats all you have. Draw a rectangle in the focal point and categorize it with your problem/scheme. Draw at least 5-6 radiating affect coming out from the box. Categorize these affect as different aspects of your scheme. For instance, if the problem is Planning a Wedding on a Tight Budget, some of the radiating affect could be Food, Entertainment, and Wedding Dress. If the problem is Construction a Team at work, some of the affect could be Collaboration, Productivity, and Interaction. At the end of each line enter whatever you reflect needs to happen with that area. This implementation can help you see the big picture as well as prioritize all the parts of your scheme.
6. Generate LOTS of ideas: You have gathered information, pumped up your enthusiasm and reviewed your problem from many angles. Its time to really let baggy with ideas. Implementation: Dream up! I mean REALLY dream up. Dont just toss out a handful of ideas and call it quits. Put some energy into it. Collaboration is good for this as all will get some different ideas. Hand all a cut of document (preferably large, that you can stab to the wall). Set a time limit. Allocate enough time to get plenty of ideas but not so much time that you judge the ideas coming out of you (5-10 minutes). Also set a goal for the number ideas, a goal that will break down you to work fast. Alacrity is important as well as reserving any discrimination.
7. Give it to your hidden: Let you hidden mind have a additional crack at it. You have plenty of information and ideas. It may be challenging to pick the best course of proceedings. Implementation: Take a nap on it! Let your mind have it even as you are resting. For this to really work you must do a assess just before inane to bed and house a notebook by your bed so you can jot down ideas if you wake up during the nighttime and at the start business in the morning. Be going to that you will have some answers when you wake up. As you wake up, you may have to catch the ideas in the half-wide awake state. The notebook is right beside you so you wont lose any good view.
Congratulations! You came up with some very creative solutions to your scheme. You can repeat this process with any theme.
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