Why do we lose our love when others are behaving egotistically? What is the chance for us? We force pledge that it is natural not to love an egotistical self. But what is our chance here? Are we losing self-value, security, freedom, hegemony or pleasure? Perhaps we are offended by our own egotism that reflects in the others" actions?
If the others were five years old, would webe offended and outraged by their egotistical actions? Or would we take up again to love them, while we explained to them that this actions is not pleasant and that we would very that they not behave in this way? We force even snub them since they do not know best. Would we feel chance? Then why do we feel chance from an egotistical adult? What chance exists for us from that adult that does not continue living from the outcome?
The pledge is doubtless: No, there is no chance from an egotistical adult. Most doubtless we lose our love for egotistical persons, since we perceive them as "bad" and since they remind us of our own egotistical aspects.
We could love them even when they are egotistical and cold and uncaring once we grasp that this actions is a result of their fear, pain and inside emptiness. They cannot be happy inside to behaving in this way. They are lonely and not feeling love or unity with persons around them.
They need our appreciative and love - not our rejection and hate. We need to see them as family in need of love and appreciative. We attract from others that which we perceive in them.
We are being asked in this case to join with the divine consciousness in the rear the others" at odds and suffering mind and love them in any case of their actions. We are being asked to be bigger than our own personality and join with our soul scenery in order to perceive their soul scenery and love them as they are.
That does not mean that we do not ask them to become more interested in others and make an try to care for and reply to others needs. We can feel comfortable asking this, when we do not reject them but are sincerely in quest of to help them feel best.
Loving persons who snub or do not reply to our needs
23. When they snub my needs.
Why must others reply to or discharge our needs? Why is this a prerequisite for us to love them? Why is this a prerequisite for us to feel that they love us? Are we always able to discharge or reply to their needs? When we are unable to discharge or reply to others needs, or point out not to, is it since we do not love them, or since we are obstructed by our needs, fears, and various inside obstacles?
Perhaps we can let go of this prerequisite for love and point out to love others even when they cannot or point out not to discharge our needs. This would be a much privileged level of love. Love without their satisfying our needs, such as self-value, security, freedom, and pleasure - love austerely for loves sake.
Loving someone who does not discharge our needs is a wonderful opportunity to renovate self-sacrificing love. This is our challenge in this scenario.
We regularly mediate that others do not love us, when they do not reply to our needs. It may be that they do love us but are not able to reply since of their differing needs, values and perceptions or since they are proscribed by various attachments and attachments. If we examine ourselves, we will find that we are not able to facilitate all of our loved ones needs, even though we do love them.
Over again we have every right to converse successfully and negotiate for what we need from persons persons. But this can be done without the blackmail of preservation love if they do not reply. They are much more likely to reply when they feel that our love is there in any case of what they do.
From the book "Love is The Choice"
by Robert Elias Najemy
Related video:
Logic Vs. Love: exposing the ego
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