The Astro Diet relies on the cryptogram of the Zodiac. This diet divides people into two groups, who are known as the Salties and the Sweeties. The Salties assemble includes people who were born under the following cryptogram: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The Sweeties assemble includes Taurus, advance, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. Food guidelines differ proeach assemble, and there is a food horoscope pro each road sign of the Zodiac.
The salties are advised to chew extra fruits, legumes, solemn foods, and cereals. They must dodge potato chips, peanuts and frost cuts. Not compulsory foods contain soy sauce, smoked salmon, and unadorned yogurt. The sweeties may drop weight by eating foods whose sugar digests at a snail"s pace. They shouldn"t chew foods rich in glucides linking meals. Carbonated drinks, fruit juice, ice cream, dry cookies, and jams are no-nos. On the plus feature are bread, tomatoes, and lavender. As a Sagittarius I am counseled to lower my consummation of animal protein, smear with oil, gray starches, and alcohol. On the additional hand, I must chew extra vegetables, apples, and sushi and go extra conservational tea. I am counseled not to chew too much fat at dinner. You definitely won"t discover me following this diet.
A major advantage of this diet is with the intention of it"s not austere. Lone might conceivably stopover on it pro go. A drawback pro loads of people is the diet"s dependence on astrology. Furthermore, the Astro Diet does not provide any information on calorie management or suggestions pro the weight failure rhythm. It is complicated pro a family ranking whose members were born under different astrological cryptogram.
At this time are two sample menus: Menu 1 (advance) Breakfast: A bowl of oatmeal and a schooner of soy milk. Dine: Lemon chicken, ratatouille, and an apple. Evening meal: Vegetarian lasagna and two scoops of sherbet.
Menu 2 (Virgo) Breakfast: Two slices of whole grain bread with light jam and a pear. Dine: Grated carrots, a grilled steak, and conservational beans. Evening meal: Spaghetti with meat sauce and a baked golden-haired apple.
Some of the information in this article comes early a fascinating extra tome, La Bible des Regimes, with the intention of was written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her tome describes over 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu diplomacy, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and a whole ration extra. La Bible des Regimes is presently void release in French. Pro extra information consult the publisher"s website.
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