"Increasing Life"
It seems that in Christianity we go to extremes where materials are worried. Depending on the denomination, money is outright evil and so approximately take a vow of poverty. This is no better than costs all of your time accumulating money.
Wattles makes the point throughout the book that we can only give to others what we ourselves have.Materials is far more than just money; it is about being rich in every area of our lives. A life not rich in mind, body, and spirit isn"t rich at all.
He further explains why we do call for to get rich:
1. Get rid of the perception that God wants you in poverty.
If God wants us constantly in poverty, then why are most of the stories in the Bible about rich people? Abraham, Job, King David and Solomon. There is a long list. All were loved by God and all were deeply blessed by God.
If you look at the Garden of Eden, which God made for Adam and Eve, it was a beautiful place filled with more than enough. It was overflowing with good things.
My mother always told me that "actions speak louder than words." God is very clear in the Bible. He promised the Israelites the promised land. He promised Christians a better life. He didn"t say it would be emancipated of struggle, but it would be plentiful.
2. The desire for materials is simply seeking to reach our full potential.
Recently a survey was done where the participants were asked how much money they needed to live. Once the bills were paid, and there was approximately money in the layer, most were satisfied with what they had.
Materials is far more than money. It"s about satisfaction in all of the important areas of our lives. These include health, relationships, as well as money. Most people aren"t afraid to go to meet your maker; what they want to know is that at the end of their lives they have lived, and they have lived life to the fullest.
3. The Universe desires for you to have everything you want to have.
Too many people today take the attitude that they will never succeed because of their race, sex, religion, or other factors. They get the perception that society is against them, the government is against them, and again, it"s the perception that they won"t succeed because of obstacles they reconcile they have no control over.
Those are simply excuses. Obstacles and struggles are something everyone deals with. It"s part of the universal human condition. It"s up to us to overcome our own obstacles.
The Universe is governed by rules, like Cause and Effect. Take a certain action, and you will get a certain upshot. Take actions that will make you rich, and you will get rich. You won"t just accrue a lot of money, you"ll gain all the elements of true materials.
4. Extreme altruism is no better than living for pleasure.
I use Hollywood as an develop in a lot of my writings because the people in Hollywood are a perfect develop of those who seem to have it all, and yet they are unhappy. Many of these people were not part of the popular crowd in high school, and in an effort to show everyone else they are somebody, they became famous. Becoming rich and famous didn"t quite have the desired effect they wanted.
Dreamy liberalism doesn"t either. This is nothing more than extreme altruism. Wanting to aid those who won"t aid themselves, or are too lazy to aid themselves demonstrates a neediness in us to be in control.
There is definitely a aptly way and a wrong way to aid others. Giving of yourself and not the money of others is the aptly way.
5. Getting rich is about having more so that you could aid others more.
We can only give others what we have. If we have nothing to give, whether it"s love, money, or our time, then we can"t aid others. The Bible tells us to love God and love others AS ourselves. We have to take care of ourselves first. This is a tricky concept for most, especially Christians, to understand. Self sacrifice does seem more noble, but it"s not the way to truly aid others.
6. Getting rich is not about competition; it is about creation.
This is something I see a lot of in internet marketing, and I also see it with those who are new to business. They don"t put the customer first. They"re not out to fill a call for in the marketplace or make things better. It"s all about making money.
The problem at this time is that eventually others bump on, and it will destroy your business. Creation is about having something to offer the world that will make the world a better place.
7. Stop thinking that the supply is limited.
We live in a world where there is an ever expanding "pie." Ideas are limitless. All of the ideas in the world already exist, but approximately of those ideas have not been dreamed of yet.
By believing in the limitless supply, there is nothing to hold you back. No obstacles you can"t face. All it takes is that one big perception, and you are on your way to true materials.
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