What scares you? Heights? Public speaking? Spiders? Crowds? Thunder? Lightning? Pain? Illness? Death? Clowns? Poverty? Failure? Success? Being alone?
Seemingly there is no end to what people fear. Fear is a untreated formation of emotion designed to ensure you survive in this physical being. In our modern society, however, fear"s importance most often is to resist encounter,resist change. The encounter of life seems disheartening, unknowable, and at times overwhelming. Life is a journey of twists and turns, highs and lows, successes and failures. At some point we realize that by advancing we invite change, we accept expose, we tempt fate and we know, in its closing measure, it doesn"t end well.
Once you realize that the ride is in budge you have two choices: you can embrace the adventure or try your preeminent to put on the brakes. Fear is the agent of resistance, the champion of procrastination, the defender of the status quo - despite the pain this may stimulate. For many it is better to suffer through the known than advance into the unknown, for fear conjures up in the unknown every conceivable nightmare to keep starting tender forward, to making the turn, to taking the stride. You think it over, all fear is, at its basic, the dread of letting go.
You are alive, in this moment, you are breathing, sensing, observing. You have achieved a degree of stasis - stability in your background. You are experiencing a degree of comfort or enduring a bearable measure of discomfort. Despite your preeminent efforts, however, things will change. This world, this universe, this being is an ocean of energy and all energy is in budge, everything is in flux - coming together, drifting apart. Regardless of your intentions life will change. You are on the ride, you have jumped into the water - you must journey to the end.
Even if you can"t bring to a standstill the budge you can choose how you encounter the twists and turns, highs and lows, successes and failures. You are the master interpreter. You interpret your encounter of this life. If fact, you have more power than that - you influence what rises to your awareness. You contribute to drafting the chapters, setting the scene, crafty the ride. You do have a choice. Fear, however, is that trigger of doubt about any and reasonably maybe every possibility, chance or change. Fear causes you to cling to what is - for better or for worse. The look of fear is to standardize your encounter, lower your options and ultimately control your fate. Fear steals gone your ability to choose, to interpret, to create. When fear dominates, life diminishes.
To free yourself starting fear"s influence - face it. Recognize the limiting energy of fear, and expose it to the light of awareness. By observing fear as an agent of resistance to change, you lower fear"s influence. Life is change. Life is an adventure - an adventure replete with risks and rewards. Don"t let the dominating power of fear standardize your journey. By facing fear, you can overcome it.
Don"t expect to eliminate fear. The answer is to act despite fear. Single then will you retain the power to influence the journey. You single must do what is de rigueur, that is, take the next small stride. Life is full, whole and complete, all the time, all almost you you need not dread what is next. Your life up till currently has prepared you for what comes next. To succeed, overcome what holds you back - that one fear - the fear of change.
Copyright (c) 2010 Scott F Paradis
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