If there"s one thing that slows down the momentum of anything spiritually conscious people are trying to create, it"s "waiting".
Be honest for a moment, when you think of the good things you are trying to create and manifest in your life right now, is there anything you"re "waiting" for?
Perhaps you"re waiting until you get more clarity on your purpose before youstart the business you"ve sought after to start. Maybe you already have a business and you"re "waiting" for clients to come in. This usually happens when you"ve done something to get it moving and then you figure it should all just take place after that so you just wait to see the results.
This frustrates me so much to see this because the energy of waiting is essentially STOPPING any momentum you have created before you shifted into "waiting" mode!
Waiting literally puts the brakes on your creation process. It takes the wonderful energy you had when you started out on the project you"re working on and quickly deflates it.
So how can you keep the most powerful and creative energy going? Here are three tips to help you get out of waiting and keep you in your most powerful creative state:
1. Expect Results and Continue to Take Action to Support the Creation of those Results
The thing about waiting is that it shifts the energy from creation, where you are consciously taking part in the process to passively awaiting something further than of yourself. When you do this you give away your power to externals.
And then life happens TO you instead of BECAUSE of you.
Can you feel the shift?
To help change this, you want to be IN the creation process. A big part of that is taking inspired actions to create results. Now before your mind says ""now I"ll wait for the inspired actions to come" know that the inspiration is born out of the desire you have to create the results.
When the desire is strong enough AND you"re showing up to create, you WILL have the ideas coming to you on what is your next step, or you"ll find someone else who has been there and done that and can now help you.
Now I"m not saying you have to keep taking non-stop action, there is a time to rest for sure, but it is essentially about keeping the ENERGY going, very than stopping it by waiting for results.
2. Celebrate Every Single Result You Create Big and Small
A lot of people get tripped up when the results start coming in. They look at what results they are getting and immediately compare it to the goal they set and they notice the difference - they notice that they"re not there yet.
This is the waiting energy once again because you"re showing that you"re not CONTINUING to create the results, you"ve stopped and now you"re watching what comes in with no planning that you can improve your results.
Let"s say that you set an intention to have 3 new clients, you"ve followed through with action by say emailing some people you know or your mailing list. Many people stop here and start waiting to see what happens.
All of that creative energy slows almost to a stop when they do this. To help get out of that, go back to what I shared in Tip #1 and KEEP creating: "what else can I do to attract 3 clients?", you KEEP going UNTIL you have the 3 clients.
And here is where instead of waiting, you are open to receive with FULL expectation of results. And instead of being passive comparing what your results are to what your intention is, instead, celebrate every bit of evidence of your manifestation. If you get one email response, celebrate that! As soon as you get the first client, celebrate that very than saying, yeah but it"s only 1 and I sought after 3. Affirm that you WILL get 3, you will do whatever it takes to create it.
Can you feel the difference?
You want momentum, you want the energy of celebration, this affirms your belief in yourself and your ability to create.
Waiting is such a hurtful energy. Believe in yourself, believe in your creations and show you believe it by actively engaging in the creative process instead of putting the brakes on by moving into the "waiting" energy.
Copyright (c) 2010 Fia Crandall
Related video:
How to Start a Business with No Money
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