Before answering the question of why negative emotions seem to persist more than their positive counterparts, we must deliberate the origins of emotions. All in the universe is energy; it may be physical or non-physical in our encounter.
Most equipment function as systems of energy, where energies cooperate for point purposes. Your bodys nervous logic and digestive logic areevident examples, as is the solar logic which uses energy from the sun to sustain matter and life. All is energy: including light, sound, heat, matter and particularly, emotions.
Emotions are non-physical energies, and following the laws of energy, they have the material goods of mass. You can prove energies have mass reasonably easily for physically. Think of some business in your life in which joy just flooded over you, and feel that joy over again. You can feel that emotion reasonably easily right? Well, you just felt a spiritual (ie non-physical) energy mass moving into your consciousness and flowing through your encounter.
Emotions are masses of energy (of privileged trembling than physical mass) which you create for the function of encounter. Once experienced person, positive emotional masses return to, revert back into, the quantum field they have achieved their function.
Your negative emotions however, when resisted so they do not flow, take up again to build up mass. And these masses of negative emotion-energy will persist in anticipation of you face and relief them in your encounter. Emotional energies experienced person, flow away, but when resisted, persist. They will take up again to show up in your encounter in anticipation of you deal with (encounter) them once and for all. So the law is: emotions experienced person expire, but resistance causes diligence.
Your main function in living is to encounter as much as you can, including positive and negative emotions, feelings, adventures and challenges. This is called the Game of life and we are all players in our own game and in our mutual sports assembly. You design your life sports assembly with your will, thoughts, desires, emotions etc, creating avalanches of amazing experiences. Then you energize persons thoughts with emotion and focus, building up the energy mass of your aim in anticipation of the foundation densifies into physical or non-physical existence.
This is how we create. Our thoughts and focus give mass and form to the makings quantum energy and we eventually encounter our foundation. None of us has much trouble creating positive emotions, or negatives for that matter; however, meaningful how to deal with our negative emotions is more of a challenge.
The pledge is not so difficult actually: we have to encounter them completely by feeling them completely. Only then will they, as we said privileged than, have fulfilled their function for existing for us to encounter them. When we turn down to encounter negative emotions, or any negative experiences in our life, we are in fact refusing to allocate persons energy masses to flow and so return to the quantum field. We resist them, so they persist as energy masses within our wider energy field, waiting for a additional reason to pop into our consciousness, to be experienced person.
This is partly why we seem to have more negative e experiences than positive ones: we resist the negative ones, so they keep turning up in our encounter in anticipation of we discreate them through experiencing them out.
Learning how to discreate negative emotions is a whole spiritual technology in itself, one we will take up again to explore and give reasons for in the possibility. Meantime, grasp that at some level of your being, you create what shows up in your life. You created it for the encounter and for the challenge for your inside advance. Dredge up life is still a game, honest now and again, but always interesting. Challenge and diversity make any game exciting.
Try creating positive emotion for physically right now. Relax into these wonderful lyrics:
Close your eyes, let your moral fiber initiation to soar, and you"ll live as you"ve never lived before!
- Composition of the Night, from Ghost of the Opera.
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Quantum Theory - Full Documentary HD
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